Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Here I am in D.C.! It's a ton of fun, but REALLY hot.I'm melting.We got to see the White House (from the outside).There were Secret Sevice guys inside the fence with machine guns.DO NOT make them mad. We also went to Arlington National Cemetery.That was really amazing, albeit the heat. We saw the changing of the guard.Those soldiers stand there in 85 degree heat in long-sleeved shirts and long pants that are black! I also took a writing class at the Spy Museum with the author of the Gilda Joyce series.That was fun. Yesterday we went to a speller BBQ at a place called Turkey Run.It was so much fun.They had ice cream and snowcones, and you could play volleyball or baseball and a bunch of other games. My Round One test is today. It's 50 words, only 25 of which count, but you don't know which 25.You get a point for each word you get right.Then, tomorrow, I'll have two oral spelling rounds.You get three points for each of those two words.At the end, they add up your total score (max is 31) and make a cut to the top 50 scorers. I've met a bunch of really nice people.They give you this book called the Bee Keeper.It has a page for each speller and staff member, and you try to get everyone to sign yours.So far, I have 151 spellers and 6 staff.I'm halfway there!


  1. Good luck anjabeth I hope you do well and I know that you will I hope that you enjoy have fun callie Guimont

  2. AnjaBeth, we are cheering you on here in MN! What an accomplishment even getting to where you are now. Thanks for writing of your adventures. Enjoy each moment and good luck!
    Sheri Guimont

  3. I'm so excited for you. You must be really nervous. Everyone wore your shirts today and that was pretty cool. I can't wait to hear how you did. I can't believe that you get to miss a whole of school... I'm doing homework right now:(. Can't wait to see you!
