Bee season has started! I had my class bee in early November, and then won my school bee on December 2nd. I'll be going to the district bee on January 21st along with 8 other top spellers from my school. I've been studying quite a bit. After finishing the Consolidated Word List last year, I'm going over my circled (difficult) words again, and I've also been studying word roots and going over Spell-It with my dad, my spelling coach. Thanks so much to him. I would never have gotten as far as I did without his help.
I hope to return to Nationals this year. It was an incredible experience last time. Good luck to any aspiring spellers out there!
In other news, we're going to Texas tomorrow and we'll be staying there for Christmas to be with family. I'm excited because it will be warm, compared to the usual 10F here. Brrr!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Anja Beth
Go Anja Beth! I hope you make it again!